{{{la .teris.|Terry} {po'u~which is} {{le|the} {tirxu|tiger} |the tiger} |Terry the Tiger} {cu~separates selbri from preceding sumti} {vitke|visits} {zi'o~omit sumti, modify selbri semantics} {{le~the} {barda|big} {tcadu|city} |the big city} |Terry the Tiger Visits the Big City}

{{.i~new sentence} {{la'e~the referent of}{di'u~the last utterance} |what is refered by the last utterance} {{{se~switch x1 and x2} {finti|x1 authors x2} |is authored by} {je~and} {se {fanva|x1 translate x2} |is translated by} |x1 has author and is translated by x2} {la maikl. turnianskis.|Michael Turniansky} |created and translated by Michael Turniansky}
{.i lo lisri cu se jbera fi lo lojbo uitki|Story taken from the lojban wiki.}
{lo nu fukpi lo lisri cu se curmi fi la'o ly .cc-by-nc. ly |Copying this story is auhorised under the conditions of the CC-by-nc.}

{{ni'o~new paragraph} {la teris. po'u le tirxu ge'u|Terry the Tiger} {.e|and} {{lei pendo|friends} {no'u|which are (non restrictive)} {{la .elis.|Elly} {po'u|which is} {le xanto|the elephant} ge'u|Elly the Elephant} {joi|and} {{la zo,is.|Zoe} {po'u|which is} {le xirmrxipotigre|the zebra} |Zoe the Zebra} |his friends Elly the Elephant and Zoe the Zebra} cu {{xabju|lived in} {le cicricfoi|the jungle} |lived in the jungle} |Terry the Tiger lived with his friends Elly the Elephant and Zoe the Zebra in the jungle.} {.i la teris. ta'e djica le nu vitke zi'o le barda tcadu noi lei vinji ga'u voikla ke'a |Terry always wanted to visit the big city, where the planes flew overhead to.}

{.isemu'ibo ca pa donri la teris. co'a dzukla le barda tcadu |So one day, Terry started to walk to the big city.}

{.i la teris. za klama lo rirxe gi'e retsku fi lo finpe be di'o ry. fu le du'u dakau cu pluta le tcadu |Soon, Terry came to a river, and asked a fish in it the way to the city.} {.i le finpe cu spuda ty. ko'a goi lu ko cadzu mo'i ne'a le rirxe fi'o seldei li ci .ibabo do viska ru li'u |The fish told Terry he should walk along the river for three days, and then he would see it.}

{.i la teris. se gidva ko'a |Terry followed its advice.} {.ijebo mo'u le cimoi donri la teris. viska le tcadu .uicai tergu'i |At the end of the third day, Terry saw the city (Hooray!) lights.} {.i cnidu'e |O, joy!} {.isemu'ibo la teris. jdice le du'u cadzu ca'o le piro nicte |So Terry decided to continue walking the whole night long.}

{.i co'a le cerni la teris. klamu'o le zarci di'o le tcadu korbi |In the morning, Terry arrived at the marketplace which was at the edge of the city.} {.i nanla |There was a boy there.} {.i lu .iicai tirxu li'u se cusku le nanla |"Aiee! A tiger!" said the boy.} {.i lu .iicai nanla li'u se cusku la teris. |"Aiee! A boy!" said Terry} {to le nanla ku fa'u la teris. pu noroi zgana lo tirxu ku fa'u lo nanla toi |(for the boy had never seen a tiger before, and Terry had never seen a boy before).} {.i le nanla no'u la mulis. cu ganse le ka le tirxu cu pendo ku gi'e te preti le nu la teris. djica le nu te jarco tu'a le tcadu my. |The boy, who was Mooli, could tell that Terry was friendly, so he asked Terry if he would like to be shown the city.}

{.i lu .iesai ku'i mi ba'e ca djica le nu mi sipna |"Oh, yes! But what I really want right now is some sleep.} {.i mi mutce tatpi li'u se cusku la teris. |I'm very tired," said Terry.}

{.i lu je'e .i mi'o zifre le nu klama le mi zdani li'u se cusku la mulis. |"Okay, we can go to my house," said Mooli.}

{.iseki'ubo le remei cu cadzu seka'a le zdani be la mulis. |So the two of them walked to Mooli's house.}

{.i ca le nu klamu'o ra ku la mulis. cu retsku fi le my. mamta fe lu e'o xu mi zifre le nu bevri lo tirxu le zdani li'u |When they got to his house, Mooli asked his mother, "Is it okay if I bring a tiger home?"}

{.i lu go'i doi mulis. li'u se cusku le mamta .iki'ubo ri jinvi le du'u la mulis. selxarkei |"Sure, Mooli" said his mother, because she thought he was just pretending.}

{.iseki'ubo la mulis. bevri la teris. le my. kumfa .ijebo ty. co'a sipna di'o le loldi ca'o le nu my. klama le bartu mu'i le nu kelci |So he brought Terry to his room, and Terry went to sleep on the floor, while Mooli went oustide to play.}

{.i le mamta za krixa |A while later, his mother called,} {lu doi mulis. pu'o vacysai .i doi mulis. uanai li'u |"Mooli, time for dinner... Mooli?"} {.i ra klama le la mulis kumfa gi'e viska la teris. noi sipna |She went to Mooli's room and saw Terry, who was sleeping.} {.i ra co'a krixa |She cried out,} {lu {.iicai lo tirxu pu citka le bersa be mi |Aaaah! A tiger has eaten my son!} {.i doi pulji ko sidju|Police, help!} {.i ko sidju|Help!} {.i doi pulji|Police!} {.i tirxu .i tirxu|Tiger! Tiger!} {.i ko sidju|Help!} li'u |"Aaaah! A tiger has eaten my son! Police, help! Help! Police! Tiger! Tiger! Help!"} {gi'e to'o bajra|and ran out.}

{.i le savru cu cikygau la teris. |The noise woke Terry,} {.i ri pi'egre le canko |who leaped through the window,} {gi'e bajra se ka'a lety. zdani be di'o le cicricfoi ku |and ran back to his home in the jungle,} {gi'e nupre le za'i ba noroi cliva le cicricfoi |promising never again to leave it.}

{fa'o|The End}::